Wednesday, May 7, 2014


The April Baby Shower event of the Knitting Guild was over.  After the previous failure, I chose a different pattern: Angela Turner's Premature Romper with Bunny Slippers.

The pattern was beautiful and classic, and almost scintillated when I was looking for patterns.  So sophisticated.  As a mother, the design made sense too because these rompers had wide openings, which would make it easier to put on, take off, and change diapers.  I was thrilled to come across with the pattern, and I had enough yarn.
Babies look great in them.  I hope whoever pick them up from MGH enjoys them on her/his baby.

The pattern has a simple bunny embroidery.  It was for me the first time to embroider on knitted garments.  I think he embroidery made the rompers from ordinary to spectacular.

The below is the photo from the Guild meeting.  I loved how baby items were displayed.  Mine displayed like this.    I did not get honorary mentions, though.  If I had knit matching booties, it might have...?

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